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How to send Slack notifications on DAG's status

As stated in how to send email notifications , Airflow allows multiple ways to inform users about DAGs and tasks status.

Furthermore, it's important to understand Airflow handles these 4 status ( failure , retry , success and missed SLA ) via callbacks. You can learn more about them here

Below we explain how to use those callbacks to send Slack notifications.

Prepare Slack

To send messages in Slack, you must first create a Slack App, which will act as a "bot" that sends messages. Visit https://api.slack.com/apps to start

Slack Apps

As it's the most basic type of application, you have to create it from scratch

After that, give it a name and assign it to your desired workspace

Slack Apps

Slack Apps

Once created, you must specify which features it will use. In order to send messages to your workspace channels, Incoming Webhooks is the only mandatory one.

Slack Apps

In the Incoming Webhooks configuration screen, you must toggle the On/Off slider for the settings to appear. Once that's done, you can Add New Webhook to Workspace , where you will create one webhook for each channel you want to send messages to.

Slack Apps

Slack Apps

Once assigned a channel, your Incoming Webhook configuration screen will change to show your webhook URL and Key

The standard syntax of these are url/key , in our example: https://hooks.slack.com/services followed by T05XXXXXX/XXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXX

Slack Apps

Now your Slack App is ready to send messages to #airflow-notifications-dev via webhooks.

Prepare Airflow

Create a new Integration

In Datacoves, create a new integration of type Slack by navigating to the Integrations admin page.

Integrations Admin

Click on the + New integration button.

Provide a name and select Slack .

Save Integration

Provide the required details and Save changes.


The name you specify will be used to create the Airflow-Slack connection. It will be uppercased and joined by underscores -> 'SLACK NOTIFICATIONS' will become SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS . You will need this name below.

Add integration to an Environment

Once the Slack integration is created, it needs to be associated with the Airflow service within a Datacoves environment.

Go to the Environments admin screen.

Environments admin

Edit the environment that has the Airflow service you want to configure and click on the Integrations tab.

Edit integrations

Click on the + Add new integration button and select the integration you created previously. In the second dropdown select Airflow as the service.

Add integration

Save changes. The Airflow service will be restarted and will include the Slack configuration required to send notifications.

Implement DAG

Once Slack and Airflow are configured, you can start using the integration within Airflow Callbacks to send notifications to your Slack channel.

Slack will receive a message with a 'Logs' link that users can click on and go directly to the Airflow log for the Task.

Callback Configuration

In the examples below, we will send a notification on failing tasks or when the full DAG completes successfully using our custom callbacks: inform_failure and inform_success .


In addition to inform_failure and inform_success , we support these callbacks inform_failure , inform_success , inform_retry , inform_sla_miss

To send Slack notifications, in the Airflow DAG we need to import the appropriate callbacks and call them with:

  • slack_webhook_conn_id : the name of the Datacoves Integration created above
  • text : to customize the message sent to Slack.

Python version

import datetime

from airflow.decorators import dag
from operators.datacoves.dbt import DatacovesDbtOperator
from airflow.providers.slack.notifications.slack_webhook import send_slack_webhook_notification

run_inform_success = send_slack_webhook_notification(
    slack_webhook_conn_id="SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS",  # Slack integration name slug -- double check in Datacoves integrations' admin
    text="The dag {{ dag.dag_id }} succeeded",

run_inform_failure = send_slack_webhook_notification(
    slack_webhook_conn_id="SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS", text="The dag {{ dag.dag_id }} failed"

        "start_date": datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0),
        "owner": "Noel Gomez",
        "email": "gomezn@example.com",
        "email_on_failure": True,
    description="Sample DAG with Slack notification",
    schedule="0 0 1 */12 *",
def yaml_slack_dag():
    transform = DatacovesDbtOperator(
        bash_command="dbt run -s personal_loans",

dag = yaml_slack_dag()

YAML version

description: "Sample DAG with Slack notification, custom image, and resource requests"
schedule: "0 0 1 */12 *"
  - version_2
  start_date: 2023-01-01
  owner: Noel Gomez
  # Replace with the email of the recipient for failures
  email: gomezn@example.com
  email_on_failure: true
catchup: false

# Optional callbacks used to send Slack notifications
    callback: airflow.providers.slack.notifications.slack_webhook.send_slack_webhook_notification
      - slack_webhook_conn_id: SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS
      - text: Custom success message
    callback: airflow.providers.slack.notifications.slack_webhook.send_slack_webhook_notification
      - slack_webhook_conn_id: SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS
      - text: Custom error message

# DAG Tasks
    operator: operators.datacoves.dbt.DatacovesDbtOperator
    type: task

    bash_command: "dbt run -s personal_loans"

Getting Started Next Steps

Start developing DAGs