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Datacoves CLI Commands

The datacoves bash commands are meant to simplify your workflow. Currently, the datacoves command has the following sub commands:

  • my

Datacoves My

The my subcommand executes commands for My Airflow.

Currently, the datacoves my subcommand has the following subcommands: - my import - my pytest

datacoves my import


For security purposes secret values will not be automatically imported. The tool will ask you to enter the secret value.

This command will import your variables and connections from Team Airflow to My Airflow . You only need to complete this once or whenever new variables/connections are added to team airflow.

datacoves my import

datacoves my pytest


My Airflow must be instantiated for this command to work.

This command allows you to run pytest validations straight from the command line. Simply create your python file with your desired tests inside the orchestrate directory. Then pass the file path as an argument as seen below.

datacoves my pytest -- orchestrate/test_dags/validate_dags.py