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Configure your LLM in Datacoves


We currently only support the 4o model gpt model.

Step 1: Create a Datacoves Secret

Creating a Datacoves Secret requires some key fields to be filled out:

  • Name: The secret must be named datacoves-copilot-llm-api
  • Description: Provide a simple description such as: Open AI config
  • Format: Select Raw JSON
  • Value : The value will vary based on the LLM you are utilizing.
    • Open AI: You only need your API key. Head to Open AI to create your key. {"OPENAI_API_KEY": "Your key here"}
    • Azure Open AI: This requires two credentials. Head to ai.azure.com to find your credentials under the Deployments tab. {"AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT": "Your endpoint here", "AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY" : "Your key here"}
  • Scope: Select the desired scope, either Project or Environment .
  • Project/Environment: Select the Project or Environment that will access this LLM.

Lastly, be sure to toggle on the Share with developers option so that users with developer access will be able to use the LLM. Share with Devs

Example Secret
