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Datacoves Airflow Decorators

With the introduction of the task flow API in Airflow we have released the Datacoves decorators to make writing DAGs simple!


While the Datacoves decorators are recommended, the Datacoves Operators , are still supported.



This custom decorator is an extension of Airflow's default @task decorator and should be used to run bash commands, pull secrets etc.

The operator does the following:

  • Copies the entire Datacoves repo to a temporary directory, to avoid read-only errors when running bash_command .
  • Activates the Datacoves Airflow virtualenv.
  • Runs the command in the repository root (or a passed cwd , relative path from repo root where to run command from).


  • env : Pass in a dictionary of variables. eg) {'my_var1': 'hello', 'my_var2': 'world',}
  • outlets : Used to connect a task to an object in datahub or update a dataset
  • append_env : Add env vars to existing ones like DATACOVES__DBT_HOME
def my_bash_dag():
    def echo_hello_world() -> str:
        return "Hello World!"

dag = my_bash_dag()


This custom decorator is an extension of the @task decorator and simplifies running dbt commands within Airflow.

The operator does the following:

  • Copies the entire Datacoves repo to a temporary directory, to avoid read-only errors when running bash_command .
  • It always activates the Datacoves Airflow virtualenv.
  • If 'dbt_packages' isn't found, it'll run dbt deps before the desired command
  • It runs dbt commands inside the dbt Project Root, not the Repository root.

Params: - connection_id : This is the service connection which is automatically added to airflow if you select Airflow Connection as the Delivery Mode . - overrides : Pass in a dictionary with override parameters such as warehouse, role, or database.

def my_dbt_dag():
    def dbt_test() -> str:
        return "dbt debug"

dag = my_dbt_dag()

Example with overrides.

def my_dbt_dag():
        overrides={"warehouse": "my_custom_wh"})
    def dbt_test() -> str:
        return "dbt debug"

dag = my_dbt_dag()

The examples above use the Airflow connection main which is added automatically from the Datacoves Service Connection Service Connection



The following Airflow tables are synced by default: ab_permission, ab_role, ab_user, dag, dag_run, dag_tag, import_error, job, task_fail, task_instance.


  • db_type : The data warehouse you are using. Currently supports redshift or snowflake .
  • destination_schema : The destination schema where the Airflow tables will end-up. By default, the schema will be named as follows: airflow-{datacoves environment slug} for example airflow-qwe123 .
  • connection_id : The name of your Airflow service connection which is automatically added to airflow if you select Airflow Connection as the Delivery Mode .
  • additional_tables : A list of additional tables you would want to add to the default set.
  • tables : A list of tables to override the default ones from above. Warning: An empty list [] will perform a full-database sync.
def airflow_data_sync():
        # additional_tables=["additional_table_1", "additional_table_2"]

dag = airflow_data_sync()