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How to send email notifications on DAG's failure

Getting notifications when there is a failure is critical for data teams and Airflow allows multiple ways to keep users informed about the status of a DAG.

This page will show you how to:

  • Use the Datacoves default SMTP
  • Add the integration to your environment
  • Create a custom smtp Integration for Airflow (optional)
  • Create a DAG that makes use of the notification integration
  • Bonus: DRY default_args

After completing these steps you will be able to receive email notifications upon DAG failure.

Let's get started!

Configure SMTP integration in Environment

Datacoves provides a pre-configured SMTP connection which will send out a failure email from hey@datacoves.com to email recipients you configure in your DAGs.

In Datacoves 3.3 and up, the SMTP will be automatically added to your environment upon creation. If you created your environment before Datacoves 3.3 follow these instructions to configure the default SMTP.

  • First, go to the Environments admin.

Environments admin

  • Click the Edit icon for the environment containing the Airflow service you want to configure, then navigate to the Integrations tab.

Edit Icon

  • Click on the + Add new integration button.

Edit integrations

  • Select SMTP . In the second dropdown select Airflow as service.
  • Click Save Changes .

Viola!🎉 The Airflow service will be restarted shortly and will now include the SMTP configuration required to send emails.


Getting Started Guide: If you are making your way through our getting started guide , please continue on to developing DAGs .

Set up a custom SMTP (Optional)

If you do not wish to use the default SMTP server, you can configure your own. First, create a new integration of type SMTP by navigating to the Integrations Admin.

Integrations Admin

Click on the + New integration button. Fill out the fields as seen below:

  • Name: Provide a descriptive name such as Mail Service

  • Type: Select SMTP

  • Host: Enter the smtp server for your domain.

  • Port: TLS encryption on port 587. If you’d like to implement SSL encryption, use port 465.

  • From Address: This is the address that you have configured for smtp

  • User: Same address as the From Address

  • Password: Password that you have configured for smtp

Save Integration

Click Save Changes

Add integration to an Environment

Once you created the SMTP integration, it's time to add it to the Airflow service in an environment.

  • First, go to the Environments admin.

Environments admin

  • Select the Edit icon for the environment that has the Airflow service you want to configure, and then click on the Integrations tab.

Edit integrations

  • Click on the + Add new integration button, and then, select the integration you created previously.
  • In the second dropdown select Airflow as service.

Add integration

  • Click Save Changes .

Implement in a DAG

If you have already created a DAG it's time to modify your DAG to make use of our newly set up SMTP integration on Airflow.

Simply provide a default_args dict like so:


You can add as many email recipients needed by passing a list into the email field. eg) email: ["gomezn@example.com", "mayra@example.com", "walter@example.com"]

Python version

from pendulum import datetime
from airflow.decorators import dag, task

        "start_date": datetime(2024, 1, 1),
        "owner": "Noel Gomez",  # Replace with your name
        "email": ["gomezn@example.com", "mayra@example.com", "walter@example.com"], 
        "email_on_failure": True,
        "email_on_retry": False,
    description="Sample DAG for dbt build",
    schedule="0 0 1 */12 *",
def dbt_run():

    def build_dbt():
        return "dbt run -s personal_loans"


dag = dbt_run()

YAML version

description: "Sample DAG for dbt run"
schedule: "0 0 1 */12 *"
  - version_1
  start_date: 2024-01-01
  owner: Noel Gomez
  # Replace with the email of the recipient for failures
    - gomezn@example.com
    - mayra@example.com 
    - walter@example.com
  email_on_failure: true
  email_on_retry: false
  catchup: false

    type: task
    operator: operators.datacoves.dbt.DatacovesDbtOperator
    bash_command: "dbt run -s personal_loans" # Replace the name of the model

DRY default_args


We recommend placing your default_args in its own file and importing it for reusability. In the example below we created a file inside of orchestrate/utils/

# orchestrate/utils/default_args.py
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

default_args = {
    'owner': 'mayra@example.com',
    'email_on_failure': False,
    'email_on_retry': False,
    'retries': 3,
    'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5),
    'start_date': datetime(2024, 1, 1),

import the default_args

from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from orchestrate.utils.default_args import default_args  # Import default args

    default_args=default_args,  # Use imported default args
    description="Daily dbt run",
    schedule="0 12 * * *",
def default_args_dag():

    def run_dbt():
        return "dbt run -s country_codes"


dag = default_args_dag()