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Variables and Connections


dbt-coves generate airflow-dags does not support reading variables/connections, but you may generate the initial Python Airflow DAG and add the connection / variable information.

The best way to store and retrieve information within Airflow is to use Variables and Connections , both available on the Admin upper dropdown.

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The main difference between them is that Variables is a generic multi-purpose store, while Connections are aimed at third-party providers.


Rather than using connections or variables stored in Airflow’s database, we recommend using a Secrets Manager. These secrets are encrypted and can be stored either in Datacoves Secrets manager or a third-party secrets manager like AWS Secrets Manager



After creating a variable in Airflow's UI, using it is as simple as importing the Variable model in your DAG and getting it's name. If a variable contains SECRET on it's name, value will be hidden:

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from pendulum import datetime
from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from airflow.models import Variable

    default_args={"start_date": datetime(2024, 1, 1)},
    description="DAG that outputs a Variable",
    schedule="0 0 1 */12 *",
def variables_dag():

    def transform():
        daily_run_tag = Variable.get("DBT_DAILY_RUN_TAG") 
        return f"dbt build -s 'tag:{daily_run_tag}'"




Consuming connections data is also straightforward, though you need to take it's attributes into consideration, as they'll vary depending on the provider.

In the following example, a connection of type Airbyte is created, and it's host is echoed in a DAG.

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from pendulum import datetime

from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from airflow.models import Connection

    default_args={"start_date": datetime(2024, 1, 1)},
    description="DAG that outputs Airbyte Hostname",
    schedule="0 0 1 */12 *",
def connections_dag():

    def echo_airbyte_host():
        airbyte_connection = Connection.get_connection_from_secrets(conn_id="AIRBYTE_CONNECTION") 
        return f"echo 'Airbyte hostname is {airbyte_connection.host}'"

