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How to configure Airflow in Datacoves

Turn on Airflow

Go to the Environments admin screen.

Environments admin

Edit the desired environment and click on the Stack Services tab. Ensure that you turned on ORCHESTRATE .

Setup environment services

Airflow Configurations


You will need to add folders to your project repository in order to match the folder defaults for Airflow; These folders are orchestrate/dags and orchestrate/dags_yml_definitions . Please see the recommended folder structure for all folder structure recommendations.

Once you enabled Airflow, click on the Services configuration > Airflow Settings tab and configure each of the following fields accordingly:

Fields Reference:

  • Python DAGs path Relative path to the folder where Python DAGs are located. The default is orchestrate/dags .
  • YAML DAG Path Relative path to the folder where YAML DAGs for dbt-coves generate airflow-dags command are located. The default is orchestrate/dags_yml_definitions .
  • dbt profiles path Relative path to a folder where a dbt profiles.yml file is located, used to run dbt commands. This file should use Environment variables and should be placed in the recommended folder automate/dbt/profiles.yml . Please refer to our example profiles.yml in our Sample Analytics project .

    Airflow Settings

DAGs Sync Configuration

There are 2 options to choose from for your DAGs sync - Git Sync and S3 Sync . Each requires specific information to be provided during configuration. Our recommended default is Git Sync.

Git Sync - Provider Select Git - Git branch name The branch airflow will monitor for changes. If you have more than 1 environment (Development and Production), we suggest airflow_development for the development environment and main for the production environment. Note: You would need to create an airflow_development branch in your repo. If only have 1 environment, then the Git branch name should be main .


We recommend combining your dbt transformations in the same project as your Airflow orchestration. However, you may wish to separate orchestration from transformation into different git projects. In Datacoves you can achieve this by having two projects. Each project will be associated with one git repo. Find out how to configure a project .

S3 Sync

You must create the s3 bucket and IAM user before this step.

  • Provider Select S3
  • Bucket Path The bucket and path that airflow will monitor and sync to the Airflow file system.
  • Auth Mechanism Choose the auth method. Below you will see the fields required.
    • IAM User
      • Access Key and Secret Key
    • IAM Role
      • Role ARN

Once configured, you will need to configure your CI/CD process to clone your project into the S3 bucket.

Logs Configuration - Private Deployment ONLY. Not applicable in SaaS.

There are 2 options for logs - EFS and S3 . Below you will see the fields required for each:

  • EFS
    • Volume Handle
  • S3
    • Bucket Path
    • Access Key
    • Secret Key

Getting Started Next Steps

Setup Service Connection