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How to Create/Edit a Service Connection

Navigate to the Service Connection page

Service Connection

To create a new Service Connection click the New Connection button.

Select the environment you wish to configure.

Service Connection Create or Edit Page

A Service Connection consists of the following fields:

  • Name Defines how the connection will be referred to by the automated service. Should be called main and will be included in the name of the environment variables seen below.
  • Environment The Datacoves environment associated with this service connection.
  • Service The Datacoves stack service where this connection should be made available e.g. Airflow
  • Connection Template The connection template to base this service connection on(i.e. the defaults) Depending on the template selected, additional fields will be displayed with the default values entered in the connection template. These default values can be overridden by toggling the indicator next to the given value. Enter the appropriate user, schema, and password. In dev this will be your personal credentials, in prod it should be a service account.

Service Connection Connection Details

The name of the service connection will be used to dynamically create environment variables which we inject into Airflow.

Getting Started Next Steps

In the following step, you will update your repository by incorporating the necessary folders and files for Airflow. Specifically, you will add the orchestrate/dags directories along with automate/dbt/profiles.yml .

Update repository