Edit on github

How to Configure your VS Code in the Datacoves Transform tab

When you first log into Datacoves, you will see that VS Code is disabled.

We need to connect to your git repository and to your data warehouse and configure your dbt profiles.yml. To do this, you need to update your user settings.

Open Your User Settings

At the top right corner of the page, click the User icon and select Settings

User Settings

Setup git connection credentials

On the settings page scroll down to the Git SSH keys section.

Git Settings

Click the Add drop down and select whether you want to provide an existing private key or have Datacoves auto generate one for you.

Git Settings Add

Datacoves will generate and display the corresponding public key, you will need to configure the public key for your git provider.

Git Settings Public Key

Click the Copy button and follow the instructions to configure the public key for your git server.

Github SSH Key Configuration Instructions

Gitlab SSH Key Configuration Instructions

Bitbucket SSH Key Configuration Instructions

Once your public SSH key has been added to your git server, test your connection.

Git Settings Test

If Datacoves is able to connect to your Git repository, you will see Tested next to the repository url.

Git Settings Tested

Set up Database Connection


Below you will see a reference chart with the information you will need based on your data warehouse provider. Select your data warehouse provider from the table below to see the how to guide.

Data Warehouse Provider Information Needed
BigQuery Dataset, Keyfile JSON
Databricks Host, Schema, HTTP Path, Token
Redshift Host, Database, User, Schema, Password
Snowflake Account, Warehouse, Database, Role, User, Password, Schema

Once your data warehouse is configured you are now ready to transform your data with dbt

  • Scroll to the top of the screen, click Launchpad or the Datacoves logo.

  • Click Open to go into your development environment.


Datacoves will take a couple of minutes to apply the new settings, clone your repo, and finish setting up your environment for the first time.

Workbench Link