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Datacoves Operators & Generators

When utilizing dbt-coves to generate DAGs, it's crucial to grasp the functionality of the two frequently used operators and their behind-the-scenes operations, enhancing your Airflow experience.

Datacoves Bash Operator

from operators.datacoves.bash import DatacovesBashOperator 

This custom operator is an extension of Airflow's default Bash Operator. It:

  • Copies the entire Datacoves repo to a temporary directory, to avoid read-only errors when running bash_command .
  • Activates the Datacoves Airflow virtualenv (or a passed virtualenv , relative path from repo root to the desired virtualenv) - Passing activate_venv = False will skip this activation. Useful for running Airflow Python code
  • Runs the command in the repository root (or a passed cwd , relative path from repo root where to run command from)


  • bash_command : command to run
  • cwd (optional): relative path from repo root where to run command from
  • activate_venv (optional): whether to activate the Datacoves Airflow virtualenv or not

Datacoves dbt Operator


If you have either dbt_modules or dbt_packages folders in your project repo we won't run dbt deps .

from operators.datacoves.dbt import DatacovesDbtOperator

This custom operator is an extension of Datacoves Bash Operator and simplifies running dbt commands within Airflow. The operator does the following:

  • Copies the entire Datacoves repo to a temporary directory, to avoid read-only errors when running bash_command .
  • It always activates the Datacoves Airflow virtualenv.
  • If 'dbt_packages' isn't found, it'll run dbt deps before the desired command
  • It runs dbt commands inside the dbt Project Root, not the Repository root.


  • bash_command : command to run
  • project_dir (optional): relative path from repo root to a specific dbt project.