How to Create/Edit Connection Template
Navigate to the Connection Template page
To create a new connection template click the
Create Connection Template
in the navigation menu.
Each Connection Template consist of the following fields:
- Name This is the name users will see when selecting the base connection template when entering credentials for themselves or service accounts.
Enabled for users This flag indicates whether this template will be available for users or only for service accounts. To simplify the end-user experience, it is best to show them only the primary template they should use when entering their credentials. If enabled, a new field will appear:
User field configuration Defines how the DB connection
field will be treated. It can beprovided
by the end-user or inferred using two strategies: from his/her email, or based on templates. The difference in these approaches will be noticed when the final user creates their respective connections inSettings -> Database connections
Provided by user With this strategy, the user will have free access to write the desired username when creating a connection
We suggest not using the user-provided username if snowflake public key is automatically added to Snowflake by datacoves like:
_alter user \<some_user\> set rsa_public_kay = '\<some_key\>';
Inferred from user's email
Defines the username field as read-only, pre-populating it with the user's email username (what comes before
Inferred from user info using a custom template
With this last approach, you can choose a template from which the username will be generated. If selected a new field will appear to select one of those.
By default we support
Connection username for admins
template. With this template, the username will seeadmin_{{username}}
when creating a DB connection. Contact us to create a custom template for your account if you have different requirements.
Project This defines the Datacoves project that should be associated with this connection template
- Type Defines the data warehouse provider so that users are presented the appropriate fields when entering their credentials.
- Provider connection details Based on the Provider Type selected, available default parameters will be displayed.
For Snowflake, the available fields are:
: To locate this, visit your snowflake account > Click on the menu in the bottom left corner > Select the account > select theCopy account identifier
You must replace the
with a-
or you will get an error.
- The default Snowflake warehouse -
- The default Snowflake database -
- The default Snowflake role
For Redshift, the available fields are: