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How to Create/Edit Connection Template

Navigate to the Connection Template page

Connection Template

To create a new connection template click the Create Connection Template in the navigation menu.

Connections Create or Edit Page

Each Connection Template consist of the following fields:

  • Name This is the name users will see when selecting the base connection template when entering credentials for themselves or service accounts.
  • Enabled for users This flag indicates whether this template will be available for users or only for service accounts. To simplify the end-user experience, it is best to show them only the primary template they should use when entering their credentials. If enabled, a new field will appear:

    • User field configuration Defines how the DB connection Username field will be treated. It can be provided by the end-user or inferred using two strategies: from his/her email, or based on templates. The difference in these approaches will be noticed when the final user creates their respective connections in Settings -> Database connections

      • Provided by user With this strategy, the user will have free access to write the desired username when creating a connection

        Provided by user


      We suggest not using the user-provided username if snowflake public key is automatically added to Snowflake by datacoves like: _alter user \<some_user\> set rsa_public_kay = '\<some_key\>';

      • Inferred from user's email Defines the username field as read-only, pre-populating it with the user's email username (what comes before @domain.com) Inferred from email
      • Inferred from user info using a custom template With this last approach, you can choose a template from which the username will be generated. If selected a new field will appear to select one of those. Inferred from template By default we support Connection username for admins template. With this template, the username will see admin_{{username}} when creating a DB connection. Contact us to create a custom template for your account if you have different requirements. Username from template
  • Project This defines the Datacoves project that should be associated with this connection template

  • Type Defines the data warehouse provider so that users are presented the appropriate fields when entering their credentials.
  • Provider connection details Based on the Provider Type selected, available default parameters will be displayed.

For Snowflake, the available fields are:

  • Account : To locate this, visit your snowflake account > Click on the menu in the bottom left corner > Select the account > select the Copy account identifier .


You must replace the . with a - eg) my.account > my-account or you will get an error.

Snowflake Account Locator

  • Warehouse - The default Snowflake warehouse
  • Database - The default Snowflake database
  • Role - The default Snowflake role Snowflake Connection Type

For Redshift, the available fields are:

  • Host
  • Database Redshift Connection Type