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How to clone with Azure DevOps

To enable Datacoves cloning from Azure DevOps you must complete a series of steps outlined in this how to.

Create your application

If you do not have an Entra ID application created you can do so by following the following steps:

Step 1: From your Azure Portal search for EntraID.

Step 2: Select App Registrations from the left navigation menu.

App Registration

Step 3: Select + New registration and fill out the fields as seen below: - Name: Give your application a meaningful name - Supported account types : Select Accounts in this organizational directory only

Step 4: Click Register Register Application

Add Application as a user in DevOps Portal

Step 1: In a another tab (You will need to return to your application later), sign in to your Azure DevOps Portal and click Organization settings at the bottom of the left navigation.

Organization Settings

Step 2: Select Users in the left navigation menu.

Organization Navbar

Step 3: Select Add Users to add the Application to the user list.

Add User button

Step 4: Set the User as the application you created above, give it Basic Access and select Send email invites .

Add User menu

Configure your secret or certificate to authenticate

You have two authentication methods available to you, secrets or certificates. Please select one and follow the steps to configure.

Step 1: Navigate back to the tab where you created your application in the Azure Portal. You should be inside your newly created application.

Select the Certificates & Secrets option in the left navigation menu.


Secret Based Authentication

To configure a secret:

Step 2: Select Client Secrets in the top navigation menu and + New Secret .

Step 3: Give it a meaningful description and set your desired expiration date.

Step 3: Copy the Value onto a notepad

Azure Secret

Certificate Based Authentication

To configure a certificate:

Step 2: Select Certificates from the top navigation menu.

Upload Certificate

Step 3: To generate a certificate PEM file you will need to begin configuring your Datacoves project .

Step 4: Select Azure DevOps Certificate as your Cloning Strategy.


Step 5: Copy the certificate and save it as a plain text file on your desktop with a pem extension datacoves_cert.pem .

Certificate PEM file

Step 6: Navigate back to your Azure Portal tab and select upload certificate . Upload the PEM file you saved in the previous step.

Upload Certificate

Step 7: Give it a description and select Add .

Gather application information

To configure your Datacoves project which we will do in the following section, you will need to collect some information.

Application (Client) ID and Directory (Tenant) ID

You will need to gather the following Application information to configure your project to use Azure DevOps for cloning.

Step 1: From your Azure Portal search for EntraID.

Step 2: Select App Registrations from the left navigation menu.

App Registration

Step 3: Select All Applications and select your newly created app.

Step 4: Copy your Application (Client) ID and Directory (Tenant) ID.

Azure DevOps Details

Secret Based Authentication

You should have the secret value you save in an earlier section

Repo SSH and HTTP urls

Step 1: Log in to your Azure DevOps Portal .

Step 2: Navigate to your project.

Step 3: Navigate to your repo and select the Clone button.

Step 2: Copy both the SSH and HTTP urls and enter in the appropriate fields in the project setup screen in Datacoves. SSH and HTTP

Congrats, you are now ready to configure your project