Datacoves Environment Variables
Datacoves streamlines your workflow by pre-setting environment variables to simplify work workflow such as the configuration needed to generate Airflow Dags with dbt-coves. You may also leverage these variables for your custom processes. These variables are created automatically and some may be adjusted via the admin settings.
To view your set variables run:
env | grep DATACOVES | sort
DATACOVES__AIRBYTE_HOST_NAME : Points to the Airbyte instance in the current environment. Set automatically by Datacoves.
DATACOVES__AIRBYTE_PORT : Airbyte port. Set automatically by Datacoves.
DATACOVES__AIRFLOW_DAGS_PATH : Path to folder Airflow will look for DAGs. Set environment settings > Service Configurations > Python DAGs path.
DATACOVES__AIRFLOW_DAGS_YML_PATH : Path to folder dbt-coves will look for yaml files to generate python DAGs.
DATACOVES__AIRFLOW_DBT_PROFILE_PATH : Path to the profiles.yml used by Airflow
DATACOVES__DATAHUB_HOST_NAME : Host url for Datahub.
DATACOVES__DBT_HOME : Relative path to the folder where the dbt_project.yml file is located. Set in your environment settings > Service Configurations > dbt project path.
DATACOVES__REPOSITORY_CLONE : true or false. Will be true when git repository is properly configured and tested in your user settings.
DATACOVES__REPOSITORY_URL : Repository associated with your project. Set in your user settings.
DATACOVES__USER_EMAIL : Email associated with your account.